Tendys.ma SEO Analysis

Pagespeed Score
Desktop 41/100
Mobile 12/100
Optimization Stats
Field Data Result
Page Size 94 KB
Compression NO
Text/Html Ratio 5797 / 95820 (bytes) = 6.05%
Load Time 1.57 second
Mobile Ready 99/100
In-Page Links 34
Doc Type HTML 5
Encoding UTF-8
Declared Language Unknown
Preferred Domain Yes
Robots.txt Yes
Url Rewrite No
Underscores in url No
Images Without ALT 0 / 8
Embedded Objects (Desktop) No
Embedded Objects (Mobile) No
Iframe No
Custom 404 page No
Email Privacy No
Gsafe browsing Yes
Analytics Yes
W3C Validity No
Keyword Consistency
Keywords Freq Title Desc <H>
sauce 10
fromage 5
dhthé 4
poulet 4
enable 3
video 3
consider 3
please 3
tomate 3
fleurs 3
huile 3
vous 3
browser 3
upgrading 3
orange 3

March, 24 2020

With 1.57 seconds in page load, 94 KB of page size and all other reports below, the tendys.ma has a SEO score of 60 out of 100

Meta tags data
Title Restaurant Café Tanger - Livraison à domicile gratuite à partir de 69 Dhs - Tendy’s
Description Tendy’s est mélange entre un restaurant et un café Italien avec un service rapide.
Keyword restaurant café tanger maroc, woods restaurant café tanger maroc, café restaurant tanger, atlantis cafe restaurant tanger, café et restaurant tanger, miranda tanger vip cafe restaurant, woods cafe restaurant tanger, café restaurant el hafa tanger maroc, café restaurant new andalous tanger maroc, cafe restaurant cappuccino tanger, rr ice cafe restaurant tanger, café restaurant new andalous tanger, café restaurant el hafa tanger, café restaurant di famiglia tanger, cafe restaurant a tanger
Domain Registration
Age Not Available
Created Not Available
Updated Not Available
Expiry Not Available
DNS Data
Host Type Ttl Other
http Headers
Your request could not be performed.
Lookup quota exceeded.
Server Location
Server IP
Server Location Germany
Service Provider Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Domain Availability
Domains (TLD) Status
tendys.com Already Registered
tendys.net Available
tendys.org Available
tendys.biz Already Registered
tendys.io Already Registered
Typo Availability
Domains (TLD) Status
rendys.ma Already Registered
fendys.ma Already Registered
gendys.ma Already Registered
hendys.ma Already Registered
yendys.ma Already Registered
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